Short Desciption

This project bring together 6 Special Schools from EU all with a slightly different area of focus and expertise but all school are aware of the social isolation of their pupils. Our project aims to tackle this issue and enable our pupils to play a more productive and involved role in our European society. Our efforts aim to ensure we raise skill levels of these vulnerable students and have a direct and life long impact on the connectivity with society in general.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Greetings from - Varaždin Croatia

Učenici četiri razreda COO Tomislav Špoljar uključeni su, uz ostale učenike iz škole, u izradu božićnih čestitki koje će poslati učenicima i profesorima u Sjevernoj Irskoj, Sloveniji, Njemačkoj, Austriji i Velikoj Britaniji. Svima šalju iste želje: mir, sreću i zdravlje. Nadamo se da će se želje ispuniti!

Fourth grade students of COO Tomislav Špoljar are involved, along with other students from the school, in making Christmas cards that will be sent to students and teachers in Northern Ireland, Slovenia, Germany, Austria and Ireland. They send the same wishes to everyone: peace, happiness and health. We hope the wishes come true!



Božićni  (i projektni) ugođaj u našoj školi! Kako bi se naši prijatelji iz projekta upoznali s tradicionalnim hrvatskim božićnim pjesmama učenici su otpjevali narodnu božićnu pjesmu „Radujte se narodi“ koja se pjeva u svim dijelovima Hrvatske. Uz tu pjesmu, otpjevali su i pjesmu koju svi znaju, ali vjerojatno nikada nisu čuli kako zvuči na hrvatskom jeziku. Malu pomoć u estradnom nastupu pružili su profesori i ravnatelj škole.

Christmas (and project) atmosphere in our school! In order for our friends from the project to get acquainted with traditional Croatian Christmas songs, the students sang the folk Christmas song "Rejoice, peoples" which is sung in all parts of Croatia. Along with that song, they also sang a song that everyone knows, but hasn't heard it being sung in Croatian before.  A little help in the variety show was provided by the professors and the school principal.


                                Musical card from the students of the Centar

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