Short Desciption

This project bring together 6 Special Schools from EU all with a slightly different area of focus and expertise but all school are aware of the social isolation of their pupils. Our project aims to tackle this issue and enable our pupils to play a more productive and involved role in our European society. Our efforts aim to ensure we raise skill levels of these vulnerable students and have a direct and life long impact on the connectivity with society in general.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Impressions of the Slovenian team on Erasmus + mobility in Heide- Germany, 16.5.2022 – 20.5.2022

 Impressions of the Slovenian team on Erasmus + mobility in Heide- Germany, 16.5.2022 – 20.5.2022

Our school week in Germany was very interesting and educational. We spent quality time with people, who work with pupils with special needs from Croatia, Austria, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Germany.

We introduced us with German education system for pupils with special needs in the main stream schools and we were also included into learning sessions with some pupils. We saw some priorities of their school system in practice, which would be welcomed also by us in Slovenia. We liked a lot the idea, that the marks for the child with special needs are not the most important for life. On the first place there is, that every pupil is as much as possible independent, with positive self-image and is maximal social integrated into group of other peers.

Compared to the Slovenian school system we were thrilled of the autonomy of special education teachers, who have more freedom in their working. They teach few pupils at the same lesson from different classes and they work only on the areas with learning deficits. During and also at the end of school year special education teacher also can give marks to those pupils, for school subjects German, English and Maths.

On the other hand, we were very surprised about the information, how they try to stop disruptive behavior. First, they give pupils with bad behavior the yellow card and after having two of them, the pupil must leave the school for that day. It is allowed, that the pupil with disruptive behavior is present at school for one hour per week. This is the condition for getting the general certificate of education.

We believe, that Slovenian school system takes care very good for pupils with special needs, but of course, there still stays some place for improvement of that area.

Slovenian Erasmus+  Team Tanja, Lidija, Sabina and Nataša

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