Short Desciption

This project bring together 6 Special Schools from EU all with a slightly different area of focus and expertise but all school are aware of the social isolation of their pupils. Our project aims to tackle this issue and enable our pupils to play a more productive and involved role in our European society. Our efforts aim to ensure we raise skill levels of these vulnerable students and have a direct and life long impact on the connectivity with society in general.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Earthquake investigation of Year9/10 class - Thornfield House School, Belfast Northern Ireland

9/10 class have been learning about Volcanoes and Earthquakes.  We carried out our own experiment in class as well as checking out some Youtube videos for kids on Earthquakes.

Friday, November 5, 2021

The English 5th November - Thornfield House School, Belfast Northern Ireland

 Whilst most of the Celtic countries (Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) in the UK celebrate Halloween, either as the Winter Festival and have bonfires or All Saints Day Eve, a Christian reminder of the faithful who have died.

England have always celebrated the 5th of November.

This is a reminder of Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London, when James I, his son and all the protestant leaders of the time would be there to open Parliament.  He was discovered and killed for treason.  James I decreed that the 5th November should always be remembered.

This was after the reformation when Protesters broke away from the Catholic Church.  They were called Protestants.  There was a Holy war between the Protestants and Catholics it was in the Middle Ages and both sides thought they were doing God’s work!

In England, they used to make up a dummy guy and pull him round the houses with a request not for treats, but a Penny for the Guy.  The Guy was then burnt of the bonfires on the 5th of November.

Here are videos  to the story and the song.


       The song

      ( klik on the link)

Thursday, November 4, 2021

KS3 Maths Investigation - Thornfield House School, Belfast Northern Ireland

The pupils in our KS3 department, aged 11-14 years, completed a maths investigation using a large Halloween skull.  He represented the myth (story) of how the Giants Causeway was built thousands of years ago.

 The first part of the investigation involved them in deciding what resources they would need to measure the Giant skull and their height. 

Then then did the measuring in pairs independently.We found that the Giants skull was just over 2 times the mean size of the pupils' skulls.  We then found the mean height for our pupils.  We used this to estimate of the giants head being twice as big as ours to double our height to estimate the height of the Giant.

The teacher modelled how to work out the Mean, Mode, Median and Range for the second worksheet.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

1st LTTA activity in Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje Tomislav Špoljar Varaždin, Croatia

Activity report - Mobility to Varaždin, Croatia


Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje Tomislav Špoljar

Croatia, Varaždin

18th - 22nd of October 2021.

Centre for upbringing and education Tomislav Špoljar hosted the first visit of partner schools representatives.

Day 1

 18. 10. 2021. MONDAY 

Partners meeting

At the first meeting the school principal introduced the school and it’s programmes followed by a partners meeting.

We agreed on data for the following exchange visits:

N. Ireland:  31.1. - 4. 2. 2022.

Germany:  16. 5. - 20. 5. 2022.

Austria:      3. 10. - 7. 10. 2022.

Slovenia:   20. 3. - 24. 3. 2023.

Ireland: 22.6.- 26.6.2023

          Zoom meetings schedule between meetings will be every first Wednesday of the month at 1.00 pm London time preferably not more than two people from each school, but more is fine when necessary.

          Communication between meetings is through a WhatsApp group which is very active.


          Participants are satisfied with what they have seen in school and with work conditions. They are glad to finally meet face to face.

Day 2

19. 10. 2021. TUESDAY

 - Partners meeting:

Agreements about the tasks for every visit: the hosting partner will send an agenda one week before the start, write a summary of visits within two weeks and upload information on the blog. The report is to be sent to every coordinator who can modify the report before sending it to their Agency.

For the next ZOOM meeting (1.12.2021 at London time)  we will exchange Christmass traditions from every country - recipes, songs, food, Christmass fair. We can make a video preparing food with students and share the recipe. Deadline is 6.12.

 - Regular primary school with students with disabilities

  Visit to a regular primary school with the largest number of students in integration in regular classes with adapted programmes. The visit was without physical contact with the students. The guests got to know the specific way of working with students with disabilities by talking with the teachers who shared their experience. Teachers lacked the competences at the beginning and had a big support from Centar Tomislav Špoljar. Nowadays they are more confident in their work although with some problems. The discussion afterwards was about experience working with students with disabilities, parents and assistants.

In the afternoon the participants had a guided tour in the town centre.

Day 3

20. 10. 2021. WEDNESDAY

- Participating in occupational therapy for almost grown-up students

          In three groups participants joined our students in making pastry, learning how to play traditional music and making ceramic Christmas decorations. Students were in secondary school classes learning to be cook assistants (15-18 years) and basic skills programme students (14-21 years).

The participants noted that they enjoyed the classes and got ideas for new activities with their own students.

          In the afternoon we visited the old castle museum in Varaždin with a guided tour and stories about Varaždin's past.

          Evening was for the traditional food restaurant and customs of the area regarding winemaking.

Day 4

21. 10. 2021.THURSDAY 

Classroom visits

Participants spent three hours monitoring the classroom activities in three different programmes - basic skills, occupational group and adapted programme class.

The reactions were positive, especially the atmosphere which was described as relaxed, positive, students are cheerful talking with guests and trying to make contact. Guests were surprised with the fact that students have tablets and teachers laptops and were impressed about the digital literacy of the students.

-  In the afternoon we visited Zagreb, the capital of Croatia and its museums.

Day 5

22. 10. 2021 FRIDAY

- ZOOM meeting between students

Students from schools in Ireland, Germany and Croatia participated in a meeting where they saw each other's classroom, tried to talk with each other and said their names. Together they sang a song and played ¨Simon says¨


All the partners were pleased with mobility face to face. During the first visit, we achieved goals we set and all the activities took place as planned, despite COVID. A group cohesion was created which will enable implementation of experiences in our work, but it also helps the relationships within schools. There were already agreements about cooperation between schools aside from the project.

Partners expressed satisfaction about the organisation of this week and about experience they gained on working with almost grown up students with intellectual disabilities and possibilities of their inclusion in the community.